About Me

Hey y'all! So this is the "about me" portion of the blog, so let's get to it. My name is Brandi, and here are the most important things to know about me: 1. I'm a Christ follower. 2. I love to ride and train horses. More specifically, I run barrels on a 13 year old Paint horse that I bought as a 2 year old. His name is Bud. I also own a cute, little (and by little I mean that she could probably be considered a pony) Quarter horse filly named Millie. 3. I like to make things. Belts, headstalls, bracelets, dog collars... pretty much anything that I see off of Pinterest and at trade days. 4. I Crossfit and love it! 5. I hate it when people ask me what kind of music I like to listen to, because I listen to a lot of different stuff and never know how to respond. 6. People who have known me a long time, are often shocked when they realize that I like baseball and that I don't chew gum. It grosses me out.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last day of school!!

Today completes the first year of Stick-Well Home School. I blinked and it's over!  Tomorrow we are having a pool party for the kids. We'll have pizza, fruit, and buntinnies!!  I'm excited!

Tomorrow will also complete week two of Millie's training at Zaal Ranch.  I'm looking forward to seeing her progress!  

This week N. Central Texas and Oklahoma/Kansas/Mississippi areas were hit hard with storms and tornadoes.   The stories of the survivors has been incredible. It reminds me that even in these tough times, God is still with us, watching over us, protecting us. It's also encouraging to see all the people offering help to others affected by the storm. 

I am in the middle of a new project... What do you think?

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