About Me

Hey y'all! So this is the "about me" portion of the blog, so let's get to it. My name is Brandi, and here are the most important things to know about me: 1. I'm a Christ follower. 2. I love to ride and train horses. More specifically, I run barrels on a 13 year old Paint horse that I bought as a 2 year old. His name is Bud. I also own a cute, little (and by little I mean that she could probably be considered a pony) Quarter horse filly named Millie. 3. I like to make things. Belts, headstalls, bracelets, dog collars... pretty much anything that I see off of Pinterest and at trade days. 4. I Crossfit and love it! 5. I hate it when people ask me what kind of music I like to listen to, because I listen to a lot of different stuff and never know how to respond. 6. People who have known me a long time, are often shocked when they realize that I like baseball and that I don't chew gum. It grosses me out.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Texas Ice Storm of 2013

Okay, so all you guys need to give us Texans a break.  We are not use to freezing temps in December!!  I mean last Tuesday I was wearing shorts (see below) and exactly two days later, I was frozen in my house.  After day three, my dad and I ventured out and skated to our neighbor's house just to talk to someone other than ourselves... and to check in on them.  For people that know me, they know that I DO NOT like being confined to the house.
Not being able to make it to the barn on a daily basis soon leads me to a slightly psychotic state.  (Just FYI for those that might be thinking this, yes, my horses have been taken care of.  I just haven't been able to get out there.  Literally, my car has been stuck for the last four days.)  I haven't even been able to make it to the box to WOD, which is just as terrible, so I have had to resort to WODing by myself at home.  Come on sun!!! I need you!!!  Turtle needs you!  Mostly to save him from all the pictures I like to take of him "hanging out" in the ice.  :)

Regale and I after a WOD and I got
my first Solus jacket!!  A picture was a must!
Turtle's so handsome!!
And he has had enough...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

SHOT Show 2013

In October, I took Millie to Bryan, TX to the SHOT show.  This was Millie's first show and besides spending a month at Jennifer's in June, it was her first time away from home.  She handled herself like a pro!  
In the Ranch Horse Pleasure Class, we scored a 50 which placed us 38th/68?? other riders.  

Also, it was the first time that both Careen and Kathryn had seen Millie, the little kiwi, since I brought her home when she was a yearling.  I was super excited that we all got to be there and hang out.  That is what I miss most about College Station, spending time with my friends.  It was a great day!

SHOT Show - October 2013 - Bryan, TX

Crossfit Solus

At the end of August I began my crossfit journey.  The first of September started the 6-week paleo challenge.  With $20, getting measured, and a buy-in WOD, I got sucked into the life style and I love it!  I have completed my first 5K, I am stronger, and I feel 100% better.  I love my coaches at Crossfit Solus!  They are so encouraging and their true concern for all the athletes' success is inspirational.

What a difference a year and hard work can make!

1st time to go Rx doing goblet lunges.
Veteran's Day Partner WOD at the box.

Before and After.  Left was November '12.  Right was October '13.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Flower breast collar

When I lived in College Station, I met up with friends at the Caldwell arena every Thursday night and rode horses. Or was it every Wednesday??  I can't remember now. Anyways, Pat Forman called and asked it I could make her a flower breast collar. So, here it is...
Modeled, of course, by the one and only Bud. What so you think?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The filly

The filly spent 30 days at Zaal Ranch with Jennifer Williams. I brought her home Tuesday. Here is a picture of our first ride at home. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Great group!!

Last day of school!!

Today completes the first year of Stick-Well Home School. I blinked and it's over!  Tomorrow we are having a pool party for the kids. We'll have pizza, fruit, and buntinnies!!  I'm excited!

Tomorrow will also complete week two of Millie's training at Zaal Ranch.  I'm looking forward to seeing her progress!  

This week N. Central Texas and Oklahoma/Kansas/Mississippi areas were hit hard with storms and tornadoes.   The stories of the survivors has been incredible. It reminds me that even in these tough times, God is still with us, watching over us, protecting us. It's also encouraging to see all the people offering help to others affected by the storm. 

I am in the middle of a new project... What do you think?

Saturday, May 18, 2013


This week has been interesting to say the least.

Last Saturday, I found out that I had pneumonia, I spent the week house sitting for the Marr's, and on Wednesday, my parents went out of town.  Thursday, Meredith and I went and saw the movie 42.  If you're looking for a good one to see, this is a good choice. I'm really glad I saw it!  I also really want to see the new Star Trek movie also! 

While I am feeling tons better, the humidity that followed Thursday's bad storm sure isn't making it easy to breath!  I guess we can finally start getting use to the summer temps. 

Today it was still too wet to ride in the arena, so after I fed, cleaned stalls, and gave TanMan a bath, Bud and I went on a "trail ride."

And what's a better way to finish the evening off than with watching never-heard-of-before Netflix movies??

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gettin' an education

On Friday, I took Millie to Zaal Ranch in Collinsville to spend the next 30 days to get an education. I'm excited to see how she turns out after a consistent month of riding!

By now, if you haven't noticed, anytime I take Matt Dillon (my truck) and the trailer out for a spin, an adventure always awaits... 

The trip to Collinsville should only take 30 minutes tops. Well, on Friday, I was just cruising along, jammin' to whatever was on 106.1, when suddenly, BOOM!!  A tire on the trailer had a massive blowout!  To make things worst, or just awkward, the tread didn't just stay on the road.  It flew up and flopped across the windshield of the car behind me, which was following way too close, btw.

I slowed down and pulled over.  No big deal, when you have a blowout, you just change the tire. Except my spare was flat.  Great.   

This story continues for a few more hours, but I will just cut to the chase.  It was planned to meet at 4pm.  Matt Dillon, the trailer (minus a tire), Millie, and I finally arrived in Collinsville at 6pm.

Never a dull moment 😃

But wait, there's more...  I have been battling a cough for 2 weeks. Saturday I finally broke down and went to a doctor. Turns out I have pneumonia. Lovely...


Monday, May 6, 2013

Mirrored K Spur Straps

This past weekend, I was able to get away for the weekend and see some friends in College Station! It was fun!

I made some spur straps for Kathryn. They look even better on her boots!

This was supposed to be a weekend of barrel racing, but crazy weather and me getting sick changed it to just a quick getaway trip. (I'm still battling an awful cough!)

Friday night- seafood at Ship Wrecked in Bryan with Kathryn.

Saturday- morning in Snook at the BBQ judging barn. The chicken and pork ribs were amazing! Afternoon in College Station at the A&M horse sale. Evening at Kathryn's boyfriend's house watching a movie and dinner at Wings N'More.

Sunday- breakfast at Ihop. Showed a horse at lunch, then I met up with Staci and John at his apartment. They wanted to see Turtle, not me. Then around 6:00, I headed north to Sherman.

Crazy, relaxing weekend...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday fun day!

Yesterday, after church, my parents and I met up at Cheddar's with some friends and had lunch. Plans were made for the afternoon and I decided to go to the barn.

While I cleaned stalls, Turtle ran around the place. I rode Bud and he actually got a bath afterwards. He was so white, I had to have my shades!

It was was a nice, relaxed, Sunday afternoon.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tooled bracelet.

I've completed my first hand stitched project. What do you think?

Monday, April 8, 2013


God's timing is perfect however it may not always coincide with the timeline that i have made for myself.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Yesterday I was busy!

I made a cross to test out the new dye I got yesterday.

Then I made turtle a collar.

I was happy with how both turned out.

Friday, March 29, 2013

This Friday feels like Saturday.

This morning at the barn. I rode Fancy and Bud before the rain came and settled in for the weekend.

Here, I'm just hanging out with the boys :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


First attempt at a breast collar complete! I really want to see it on a horse now, but I'm not going to drive back out to the barn tonight. I'll take pics while I'm at the barn tomorrow...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tomorrow is Monday already???

How does that happen? The weekend just started and tomorrow I have to go back to work...bummer.

Saturday brought rain all day, which made for a good day to be on the couch and watch movies. Today, looks were deceiving. If you were just looking outside the window, the weather should've been in the 70's. It was bright and sunny, but once you step outside, all you felt was the 40 degree temperature and the 30 mph wind gusts, which made it feel like 20 something. Where is Spring?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Break FRIDAY

I feel all grown up now. I hooked up the drag and drug the pen all by myself.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Break THURSDAY

Busy day ahead!!

1. Feed horses and dogs in whitesboro
2. Feed horses in Howe
3. Work horses
4. Help with lessons
5. Get hair cut
6. Back to whitesboro
7. Sleep

I need a vacation after this week, lol!

Turtle did not like sharing his bed...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Break WEDNESDAY

Another busy day! I'm ready for it.

Take a look at my 3 year old. I'm thinking a name change is in her future. Any ideas or suggestions? I'm thinking about Harper. Idk.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Break -- TUESDAY

This morning I had to keep looking at my phone to make sure it wasn't a Monday. It sure felt like it!

1. Feed in whitesboro
(Edit-- insert #2 here--> 2. Deal with water issues at Stickley house)
3. Feed in Howe
4. Work horses
5. Unload and stack hay
6. Pray that there are no issues with water upon arrival to Stickley's house
7. Feed dogs and horses in whitesboro
8. Sleep!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Break MONDAY

To do list for today:

1. Feed Stickley's horses in Whitesboro
2. Feed horses at barn in Howe
3. Work a few
4. Meet Meredith for lunch
5. Work more horses
6. Drive back to Whitesboro
7. Take care of Stickley's bunch
8. Sleep!!