About Me

Hey y'all! So this is the "about me" portion of the blog, so let's get to it. My name is Brandi, and here are the most important things to know about me: 1. I'm a Christ follower. 2. I love to ride and train horses. More specifically, I run barrels on a 13 year old Paint horse that I bought as a 2 year old. His name is Bud. I also own a cute, little (and by little I mean that she could probably be considered a pony) Quarter horse filly named Millie. 3. I like to make things. Belts, headstalls, bracelets, dog collars... pretty much anything that I see off of Pinterest and at trade days. 4. I Crossfit and love it! 5. I hate it when people ask me what kind of music I like to listen to, because I listen to a lot of different stuff and never know how to respond. 6. People who have known me a long time, are often shocked when they realize that I like baseball and that I don't chew gum. It grosses me out.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Texas Ice Storm of 2013

Okay, so all you guys need to give us Texans a break.  We are not use to freezing temps in December!!  I mean last Tuesday I was wearing shorts (see below) and exactly two days later, I was frozen in my house.  After day three, my dad and I ventured out and skated to our neighbor's house just to talk to someone other than ourselves... and to check in on them.  For people that know me, they know that I DO NOT like being confined to the house.
Not being able to make it to the barn on a daily basis soon leads me to a slightly psychotic state.  (Just FYI for those that might be thinking this, yes, my horses have been taken care of.  I just haven't been able to get out there.  Literally, my car has been stuck for the last four days.)  I haven't even been able to make it to the box to WOD, which is just as terrible, so I have had to resort to WODing by myself at home.  Come on sun!!! I need you!!!  Turtle needs you!  Mostly to save him from all the pictures I like to take of him "hanging out" in the ice.  :)

Regale and I after a WOD and I got
my first Solus jacket!!  A picture was a must!
Turtle's so handsome!!
And he has had enough...