About Me

Hey y'all! So this is the "about me" portion of the blog, so let's get to it. My name is Brandi, and here are the most important things to know about me: 1. I'm a Christ follower. 2. I love to ride and train horses. More specifically, I run barrels on a 13 year old Paint horse that I bought as a 2 year old. His name is Bud. I also own a cute, little (and by little I mean that she could probably be considered a pony) Quarter horse filly named Millie. 3. I like to make things. Belts, headstalls, bracelets, dog collars... pretty much anything that I see off of Pinterest and at trade days. 4. I Crossfit and love it! 5. I hate it when people ask me what kind of music I like to listen to, because I listen to a lot of different stuff and never know how to respond. 6. People who have known me a long time, are often shocked when they realize that I like baseball and that I don't chew gum. It grosses me out.

Monday, September 24, 2012

blah, blah, blah, blah....blah, blah, blah

My once daily ritual of blogging has pretty much become non-existent.  For anyone who would routinely visit, sorry!  I would like to say that I will do better, but honestly, I will probably fall again.

Where to start...at the beginning.

After I graduated college I worked in a lab, then I moved to Alaska.  When I moved back to Texas, I looked for jobs, however, it was not as easy as I thought that it would be.  After a string of failed interviews and rejection letters, apparently previous work experience and a college degree isn't a sure thing when applying for the positions that I want, so, I ended up substitute teaching which lead me here today, homeschooling.  

I am also taking classes to get my veterinary technician's certification through an online college.  Which, by the way is super easy.

I babysit.

And I ride horses.

What are my goals???  I want to have my own place, my own house, barn, arena, etc.  I'm not against marriage or even a boyfriend for that matter, but after I broke up with my ex, I'm not going to just date any random dude just to say that I'm dating someone.  I also want to be able to go to a barrel race whenever I want to and without worrying what if my truck breaks down and if it does, how am I going to pay to get it fixed.  

I can hear my dad now, "Well if you had a job..."  Okay, really, I should just tell him that he was right, I was wrong.  I royally screwed up my life and I would be living on the side of the road if it wasn't for him and my mom.  Well, the living on the side of the road part is true, but seriously, does he have to always say that...around everybody...all the time.  Thank you for making me feel like more of a loser.  (Not really, I'm being sarcastic.)

If that's not bad enough, just yesterday at church a sophomore in high school tried to ask me out.  No, I do not have a boyfriend or a husband, I did come to church by myself, but no, I will not go on a date with you.  So, on top of the fact that I can hardly pay my bills, I apparently have no social life as well.

Okay, enough of this.  My life really doesn't suck that bad.  I've got it pretty good!  After all, my lifeguard walks on water!!!  I've got to go study before I head out to the barn tonight.