About Me

Hey y'all! So this is the "about me" portion of the blog, so let's get to it. My name is Brandi, and here are the most important things to know about me: 1. I'm a Christ follower. 2. I love to ride and train horses. More specifically, I run barrels on a 13 year old Paint horse that I bought as a 2 year old. His name is Bud. I also own a cute, little (and by little I mean that she could probably be considered a pony) Quarter horse filly named Millie. 3. I like to make things. Belts, headstalls, bracelets, dog collars... pretty much anything that I see off of Pinterest and at trade days. 4. I Crossfit and love it! 5. I hate it when people ask me what kind of music I like to listen to, because I listen to a lot of different stuff and never know how to respond. 6. People who have known me a long time, are often shocked when they realize that I like baseball and that I don't chew gum. It grosses me out.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Long week...

It has been a long week!  Well, school started on Monday and even though I only teach from 8:30-12:30, it has completely thrown my schedule at the barn off.

Tomorrow, my plan is to get up early and be out at the barn by at least 7:00am.  Then as soon as I get done feeding in the morning, start cleaning stalls and put some fresh sand in a few of the wet stalls.

Then, I rest.... :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

I'm addicted

to Flashpoint.  It is not your typical cop show.  Unfortunately it's based in Canada and they are not sure when the 5th and final season will be aired in the US!  :(


Friday, August 10, 2012

Been productive...

Ok, so I haven't posted anything since Saturday.  Sorry,  I've been busy.

Check it out:  Anyone in the market for a totally awesome 100% custom headstall, contact me!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jesus is my lifeguard


Jo, on the couch...  She can look so cute and precious--don't let her fool you!  I was actually shocked that she was awake for this shot.  Not for long though.  About 2 seconds later, she closed her eyes and was out.

(It's better to not disturb her when she sleeps.)

Turtle has the good life!

Goal for this morning was to feed, water, and clean stalls before the heat started to set in for the day.

Goal accomplished!  I was even able to try out my Replenish Gel from Advocare that my friend Stephanie Beall sent me to try.  It was refreshing!!  If any of you have not tried any Advocare products,  I recommend the Spark energy drinks (Fruit punch tastes just like kool-aid!!) and the Replenish Gel.  I can definitely tell the difference when I don't start my morning off with a Spark!

So, now that summer school has ended and I'm currently without a full time job, I have exhausted myself looking online for jobs to apply to.  I really want to stay in a field that I'm interested in...I'm tired of looking already.  Everything that I want to apply to is out of state or a long way from home.  I don't know what I should do.  I've applied to a few things, but haven't heard anything back.  I'm really not that surprised, but not hearing any replies or getting any feedback from anyone is irritating.  

That brings me to a thought that I've been thinking about a lot lately...I have a lot to offer, I should just start my own business.  So, what kind of business should I start???


All I can say is Turtle has the good life!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I absolutely love this quote by Dena Kirkpatrick:

"There will always be someone better than you and someone worse than you, but there should never be someone that tries harder. Work ethic is everything and you get out of your horses exactly what you put in to them."